Singer da huong had just gone through a cancer surgery and was still receiving therapy . musician giao tien , composer of the son co tham ve lang whose house had just burned down , had almost no money and was making sticky rice rolls for a living at cam ranh bus station . musicians hoang thong drifted from the new economic zone to a business in selling lottery tickets at go cong bus station 歌星夜来乡,因为癌症刚开完刀,还在接受治疗音乐家交仙回娘家的作者刚逢回禄之灾,落魄在柬名车站卖粽子音乐家黄松从新经济区回来,在杵工车站以贩售彩券为生歌星雪梅跟维庆同期出名的歌星木兰州霞金爵等如今均贫病交加。